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Fri, Feb 18 look for recording in MoveWise
Fri, Feb 25 look for recording in MoveWise
Fri, Mar 4 8a CDT
MAR 5 - SITE CHANGE - click for more info
Move Wise
Abs + hip flexors + hamstrings + lolasana from 2.25.22
Breath + shoulders + pincha variations 2.18.22
Unilateral backbends & restorative twists - from 2.11.22
Straptacular standing poses + unilateral/rotating backbends from 2.8.22
Pushups, pelvises, pigeons, and pincha preps from 1.21.22 (65:01)
Get Curious - hip rotations, hammies, side bending, back bending from 1.18.22 (73:26)
Handstands are built on hope - from 12.24.21 (83:08)
Comfort and joy (and knees and handstands) - from 12.21.21 (75:05)
Scaps, hips, & handstand hop variations - from 12.14.21 (74:28)
Shoulder openers + standing split variation + forearm stand from 12.10.21 (71:56)
From feet to hands - from 12.7.21 (72:21)
Move your spine in all directions - from 12.3.21 (61:44)
Hip + spine rotation plus active armpits from 11.13.21 (81:18)
Low back + breath work from 11.6.21 (70:09)
Sneaky core and knee therapeutics mostly grounded from 10.15.21 (70:12)
Leg Love (mostly grounded) from 10.4.21 (74:10)
Inner brightness and freeing shoulders via armbones-back from 9.17.21 (73:45)
Gentle breath-focused shoulder and hip practice from 9.15.21 (46:39)
Being in backbends from 8.20.21 (72:31)
Circumferential Core & Warrior III from 8.9.21 (77:23)
Workshopping spinal length from 8.4.2021 (81:50)
Thigh Stretch/Hip Extended Poses (81:35)
Shoulder Explorations Part 2 (60:30)
Shoulder Explorations Part 1 (59:45)
Working with stuck places (74:36)
Dolphin and Ardha Chandrasana (78:14)
Feet, Knees, Hips, and Multidirectional Movement (75:24)
Tree, Dancer, and Shoulder Stuff (78:37)
Don't "Grind Your Gears" - Balance While Breathing (79:03)
Ardha Chandrasana (81:01)
Relief in Engagement -- Low back and hips (76:22)
Side Body & Backbending (80:52)
Relating to Support in Different Ways (77:09)
Urdhva Dhanurasana Prep and Practice (74:35)
Heart Opening - Unilateral Backbends (74:59)
Hips & Handstands (79:44)
Core, Shoulders, & Forearm Stand (76:07)
Twisty-Time: Parivrtta Trikonasana and Friends (77:51)
Fluent Movement
Strappy shoulder and sidebody sweeps from 2.15.22
Moving stuck energy from 2.4.22
Hip and knee flow + backbends from 1.28.22 (69:14)
ROLLING from 1.11.22 (71:09)
Hip mobility via multi-angle movements from 11.19.21 (62:04)
Cultivating awareness, progressive flows, and bhastrika from 11.9.21 (78:08)
Rhythmic breath & Lively Legs from 10.22.21 (69:04)
Side-body strong from 9.29.21 (66:32)
Flowing with breath pattern + front hip & thigh stretch variations from 9.22.21 (73:45)
The both/and of being human and a foot-flippin' flow from 8.18.21 (66:13)
Space in the waist flow from 8.13.21 (70:02)
Noticing vs. Criticizing via a lower extremity mobility practice from 8.6.21 (77:58)
Mini-flows (70:29)
Step back sequence and hip/lumbar all-around (64:00)
Shoulder Explorations Part 3 (parts 1&2 are in MoveWise) (63:41)
Settle as you flow -- alternating twists and backward bends (63:51)
Crossed foot-grab fun (60:13)
Thigh stretching, figure 4, pigeon, dancer (65:52)
Tiff's 35th Birthday Flow (61:37)
Lunges, rolls, and sweeping movements (69:43)
Flowing to balance poses (66:57)
Calves, Lunges, and Crow (62:48)
Hip and Knee Flow (61:44)
Shoulders and Dynamic Balance (63:33)
Sankalpa, twists, and ardha chandrasana (63:43)
Twists and Dhanurasana (64:01)
Warming Flow (47:43)
Brain Teaser Flow (56:57)
Fun Leg-Focused Flow (33:24)
Add-On Flow (32:18)
Progressive Flow (29:09)
Floor Classes (like Move Wise or Fluent Movement with NO standing poses)
Move your spine in all directions -- 45 minutes of floor from 12.3.21 (44:05)
Whole-istic hips block party! - from 11.16.21 (63:47)
Ham Party + Hanumanasana from 9.24.21 (81:23)
Grounded front hip/thigh/heart opening (72:55)
Floor Flow - Fluent Movement (63:40)
Open with Support - Hips and Shoulders - MoveWise (77:17)
Full-spectrum Floor Fun (78:58)
Revolving Backbends (78:37)
Gentle Classes
Gentle joint love and relaxing practice from 9.27.21 (43:14)
Spine Saturation (seated, lying) from 8.2.21 (41:35)
Alive in the breath (from 7.11.21) (61:30)
Foot/ankle fun and wall work (standing/floor) (45:46)
Breathe, Move, Restore (standing/floor) (36:28)
Generate Some Heat (floor/standing) (41:30)
Ground and Breathe (feet and costal cage) (standing and floor) (31:49)
Gentle Warming Practice at Wall (standing/floor) (31:08)
Gentle Morning Practice (lying/kneeling) (57:24)
A trip around the hips (floor) (34:34)
Diaphragm Coordination and Hips (floor) (38:52)
More Hips and Diaphragm (floor) (48:33)
Neck, shoulder, thoracic mobility (floor) (40:55)
Calves and Costals (floor) (36:11)
Same you, new perspective (floor) (48:23)
Lying Down Flow & Gratitude Meditation (floor) (32:28)
Hips and Meditation (floor) (30:42)
Seated Sequence & Meditation (floor) (29:54)
Making Space Upper Extremities and Hips (floor) (28:08)
30-45 min Class Versions
Hip and knee flow + backbends from 1.28.22 (47:18)
Low back relief - soft tissue work and grounded movement from 1.25.22 (45:35)
Pushups, pelvises, pigeons, and pincha prep from 1.21.22 (44:31)
Hips, hammies, sidebend, back bend from 1.18.21 (47:00)
Rolling (energize!) - from 1.11.22 (29:31)
Snippets (15 min or less)
General Information
Seated breath and spine flow (9:11)
Legs up wall hip sequence (12:39)
Hip Holiday (12:55)
Supine breath-lengthening practice (8:38)
Short spine and breath warmup (7:35)
A supine active hip sequence (15:04)
Happy hips floor flow (14:03)
Happy hips floor flow 2 (10:49)
Fourteen-minute feet (13:57)
Sukhasana flow including calf smash (8:28)
Foot flip kneeling flow (3:03)
Bharadvajasana anantasana flow (no standing) (14:43)
Cross-seated sequence for hips and low back (no standing) (14:54)
Short shoulder and upper back warmup (9:25)
Tabletop and prone shoulders (19:24)
Prone shoulder clocks (6:10)
Spine - shoulder - core warmup (no standing) (13:45)
Shoulder and core warming (15:48)
Shoulders front + back (13:46)
Front and back core in supine (23:24)
Floor practice low back length and space in hips (16:06)
Different kind of core - rolling and kneeling side to side (12:08)
Rotational spinal extension progression (11:10)
Floor <> stand windshield wiper sequence (5:06)
Wake up your hips (sitting, kneeling, option to stand) (12:33)
Twisty legs, twisty torso (11:33)
Short shoulder goodness (6:56)
Flippy flow - wild thing <> twist (5:54)
Strappy standing shoulder fun (10:30)
Trunk space standing sequence (12:44)
Thighs back spine long and down dog (13:20)
Standing mini-flows for moving your spine all directions (12:07)
Standing breath work and fallen warrior<>skandasana flow (21:58)
Pigeon party (12:00)
Full body warmup flow (11:06)
Twist, backward bend, open your shoulders (seated, prone, kneeling) (13:45)
Full-spectrum in (a little more than) 15 min! (16:47)
A little of this and a little of that (16:32)
Standing wide angle sequence (5:34)
Lunge - twist - sidebody flow (14:18)
Starburst lunges (10:27)
Wall standing figure 4 and forward bend flow (10:38)
Childs <> forearm plank flow using blocks (3:59)
Lunge twist, skandasana, anjanayasana flow (10:53)
Utkatasana - Malasana - Navasana - Halasana flow plus! (15:15)
Step forward lunge sequence (7:42)
Hamstring block hops (prone) (5:11)
A short sequence for shoulders, neck, upper back (4:52)
Balance <> standing pose flows (13:28)
Seated twists and forward bends (9:08)
How to work new range in bridge and single leg bridge with blocks (10:19)
Fun lunge flow (11:48)
A nice prone and kneeling hip sequence (15:47)
9-minute warming flow (9:00)
Rolling hip rotations and energizing flippy flow (14:37)
Supine <> prone rolling sequence (13:46)
Curtsey squat side bend and balance sequence (11:10)
Back and side core rolling (8:15)
Get warm! Floor rolls and walkout pushup variations (14:51)
Down-Regulation (Restorative)
Breath-lengthening technique and savasana (21:10)
Restorative + alternate-nostril breath + meditation for grounding and down-regulation (40:51)
Restorative Hips and Low Back (floor) (34:51)
Gentle Front Body Opening (floor) (31:32)
Down-Regulating Practice (35:26)
Chair Classes
Space in the waist (with chair) (44:55)
MLK day 1.19.21 (with a chair) (44:01)
Chair Yoga Basics (with chair) (56:22)
Chair Yoga Hips and Shoulders (with chair) (46:35)
Twisty Goodness (in-chair) (42:50)
Happy Feet Chair Yoga Edition (in-chair) (44:24)
Soft tissue work and other therapeutic techniques
Circumferential Breath (18:03)
Neck Relief (19:57)
A practice to relieve constipation (19:18)
Short practice to counter computer work. (6:41)
Scapular and shoulder multidirectional movement with a blanket roll or foam roller (7:57)
Shoulder Mobilizer - Wall Circles (8:25)
Grip and push -- shoulder/pec mobilizer with block and wall (8:59)
Soft tissue mobilization to lateral scapulae with blanket roll (8:21)
Upper Trap Release (1:29)
Eyes, neck, and upper extremities (6:14)
Upper extremity relief - from the neck to the hands (38:10)
Sidebody stretch and TFL release using a blanket roll (12:10)
Happy Feet Soft Tissue Mobilization (45:05)
Happy Feet Practice (65:12)
Office Yoga - Practice at your desk (19:50)
Glut soft tissue work in supine with blocks (7:20)
Try King Arthur's pose (wall quad stretch) with a block (4:21)
How to explore lifted leg position in vrksasana (tree pose) (3:43)
Virabhadrasana II (Warrior II) (2:35)
Square vs. Open Hips in Hanumanasana (7:58)
Exploring arm and shoulder placement in bridge pose (10:56)
Strategies and cueing for thighs back spine length in parivrtta trikonasana and trikonasana (8:00)
My favorite agni stambasana strategies and variations (4:55)
Wrists, shoulders, and hip tips in kneeling side plank plus how to do kneeling wild thing
Wacky Pushups (4:00)
Reverse Table (3:33)
Lengthening the underside of twists with an ardha matsyendrasana variation (4:41)
Root through front of heel for standing poses and balance (2:42)
Urdhva Dhanurasana Arm/thoracic prep and/or alternative variation (2:28)
Urdhva Dhanurasana alternative/prep wall push (14:56)
Strategies for practicing handstand hops (11:03)
Trick to help balancing in handstand and forearm stand (5:12)
Stepping One Foot Forward (5:57)
Padangusthasana, Parsvottanasana, and Vira III connection tutorial (20:28)
Janu Sirsasana leg positioning (and variations) and actions (8:45)
Sleeping Pigeon (2:55)
Workshopping spinal length from 8.4.2021
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